limited spaces available
In 12 Months you'll Look Back & Not Recognize your Old Life
After traveling the world and studying with Shamans, Priestesses, and Curanderas, as well as with modern Physicists, Scientists, and Psychologists. I transformed my life from being a Burn Out Mildly Successful Biz Owner to becoming a Magnetic Embodied Entrepreneur. Creating radical shifts in my life at a pace that to the outside just didn’t make sense.
The School of Expansion is everything you need to create her dream life. You will learn how the Universe works and how to work with ancient rituals to catapult your HEALING > EMBODIMENT > EXPANSION journey.

Your Next Quantum Leap is Closer Than You Think
It's so critical to be around inspired uplifting people when you are moving through a huge transition. When you are stepping into a new version of yourself that isn't yet rooted, it's fragile, and having nourishing, inspiring energy around you supports this process and facilitates transformation at a faster, deeper rate.
That's why this is a container full of beautiful driven spiritual entrepreneurs like yourself, that is designed to hold you through your biggest expansion yet!
I'll teach you how to use the simple yet effective ancient practices and quantum physics methods together, so you can work with the Laws of the Universe to create your reality versus them working against you. Bridging the sacred and scientific to finally have clarity and wild levels of success.
The 12-month Embodied Entrepreneur Course that Grounds Esoteric Concepts into Actionable Steps
I know you aren't scared to look within and do "the work". And you are looking to make huge shifts in your income, intimacy, and impact -- WHILE staying grounded and not falling back into unhealthy old patterns.
This 12-month container will shake off the confusion and you will finally understand why "it" isn't working. So you can focus on taking steps towards your goals, feeling inspired, aligned, and at ease: forget the self-sabotage, confusion, and anxiety hamster-wheel.
With-in 3 months you will start to see radical shifts, and then you will experience the power of energetic momentum. You will start to see your goals appearing in your life whether that be around relationships, health, or wealth.
This is uniquely designed to be a 12-month container to hold you through a full cycle of seasons. This will allow you to have the deepest transformation. Supporting you in setting and holding new patterns that will live with you well beyond the container.

Are you done playing small and want to see levels of success you have only dreamed about?
Are you ready to say yes to huge wealth, to landing TedTalks and A-level podcast interviews, to being a keynote speaker, or to launching a second business? To say yes to Life, Romance, Intimacy. and Juicy Sex?
Joining The School of Expansion is a huge YES to yourself - a yes to choosing you, choosing your dreams, and creating your reality. Let's do this!
Apply HereYour Transformation in The School of Expansion
↠ Changing your money energetics to 3x your income
↠ Learn to meet your edge and hold yourself through the process so you can expand at a quantum rate
↠ Consciously create quantum leaps and nail the landing
↠ Transforming your relationship to sex, intimacy, and sensuality to be in your magnetic feminine flow
↠ Deepening your self-love and experiencing radical self-confidence so you can accomplish anything
↠ Unearthing trauma and limiting beliefs so you are never held back
↠ Heal chronic pain so you can enjoy life and also meet your edge without suffering
↠ Working with ancient rituals and tools to support your healing and expansion journey
↠ Expanding into the version of yourself who walks in her power and impacts the world through her Dharma (life purpose)
This Embodied Entrepreneur Method transforms all these aspects of your life. Naturally, you will start to see how they are all part of a larger tapestry that is you.
Apply Here

Our Lives Are Not Compartmentalized
Our income IS linked to our intimacy and our impact. IT IS ALL LINKED.
If one is out of balance then it will affect the other areas of your life. That is why The School of Expansion is formulated to work through all four planes of the human experience:
↠ the physical plane
↠ the mental & emotional planes
↠ the energetic plane
↠ the soul plane
When we don't address all four planes in a holistic approach there's no true healing. We are just masking symptoms and kicking the can down the road.
It is critical to work on all four planes to make radical, seemingly incomprehensible shifts in our lives, in fractions of the time it would take following the old linear paradigm.
It's not about healing first and then pursuing your dreams...
We need to clear something up. In The School of Expansion, you will learn the systemized approach to leveraging your healing journey to help you make radical shifts in your life and attract results that don't make logical sense. It's not luck, it is intentional, it's by design, and you can do it too.
Swan Dive into the Abyss with Confidence and Nail the Landing
We all know that radical expansion is uncomfortable, it requires huge leaps of Faith and deep levels of Trust. It stretches us for a reason - it's part of our growth as souls here on earth. But that doesn't mean you should go trudging through the woods alone. The School of Expansion is your guide through the foggy trees, that will cut your transformation time down tremendously.
This is a Carefully Curated Container of Brave, Driven Women
This is an invitation to self-evaluate if this 12-month program is the perfect fit for you and your goals over the next solar cycle.

- You are dedicated to your growth and will prioritize time and space for this work each week
- You are on your healing journey & aren't afraid to do the shadow work
- You are open-minded to seeing the Universe and its inner workings through a new perspective
- You value collaboration over competition - this is a sacred container of immense growth and we are here to support each other
- You recognize you are a self-healer and are looking to learn to elevate your craft

- You are not in a place where you can prioritize time and energy to this work
- You don't see the point in honoring your shadow or doing personal exploration work
- You are not ready to invest financially in yourself and change your reality
- You don't believe in Spiritual practices or the "woo" and feel more comfortable with traditional Western ideologies and medicines
- You prefer to follow what you already know
- You look to others to heal you & give away your power
This Wisdom Changed My Entire Life
We are taught that learning is reading information and being able to answer questions or repeat it back to someone. We are all guilty of this - binging podcasts and self-help books and never fully applying the knowledge to our actual lives. We can even go as far as unearthing our limiting beliefs and traumas but don't have the ability to really truly dissolve and transmute them.
We have seen glimpses of people who we see hold the power to create their reality, but we ourselves are still stuck in a reality that does not align with who and what we want to be.
I was there too...
Over the last five years of traveling and studying under shamans, priestesses, and mystics I went through a year-long death and rebirth process. I had unearthed all these aspects of myself that were no longer in harmony with who I was becoming and I was grieving the loss of my self-identity that was falling away in the process. Before this I was doing all the "work", reading the books, doing the worksheets, listening to the podcasts, but the big stuff wasn't moving. I wasn't able to manifest the huge shifts in my life I was craving.
And then I learned this concept that made all the rest of the work I had done this far click into place. It was the cornerstone, the missing piece. It all became so clear how all the patterns fit together and HOW to create my reality.
The School of Expansion is an accumulation of ancient wisdom and new-age science that shifted everything in my internal reality and therefore my external reality.
Once I started living this way...
my income tripled, I had more time and money freedom than ever before in my life, & stepped into my wild, silky, feminine energy finding a deeper sensual and intimate connection with myself and my partner. I found ease, joy, relaxation, and magic in my life, I finally felt like I was walking the path of my Dharma, and great wealth and abundance followed.
Today I no longer struggle with what felt like a mile-long list of blocks, limiting beliefs and patterns. Not that I don't have any, but now I have a powerful systemized process of exactly what to do with them. These patterns of anxiety attacks, depression, numbness, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and chronic pain are no longer controlling my world.
There's a difference between learning and embodying. The School of Expansion is all about embodying these truths to create your reality. When you have a METHOD for this - you step into your power and are the creatrix of your life.
Unveil the Secrets of the Universe to Quantum Leap while honoring the process of Healing, Embodiment, & Expansion
A Breakdown of The School of Expansion
The school is composed of six 2-month modules. We will cover these topics in great depth and practice. Each week, Gabrielle or occasionally a special speaker, will teach the weekly lesson live. This session will be recorded and you will have lifetime access to these recordings. There will also be a weekly live Q&A. These weekly calls will be held each week, with one week off per month for integration and deeper embodiment rituals.

Embodied Success
Learn how to step deeper into your power and live the life you desire without falling back into the unhealthy masculine energy.

Conscious Creator
Master the art of working with all four planes of the human experience to truly create your reality.

Quantum Leap
You will learn how to consciously create quantum leaps, how to bend time, and create results that to others don't make sense.

Wild Wealthy Feminine
Creating wealth from a place of receiving, learn how to create your magnetic self that calls in not only wealth but ignites your wild feminine.

Root to Rise
How to use your healing journey to quantum leap your life. Including honoring your shadow and changing your paradigm.

Laws of the Universe
We take ancient wisdom and esoteric concepts and ground them into actionable steps to work with the laws of the universe.
Plus... Ancient Tools, Rituals & Ceremonies
are available to you in this program. I have outlined, recorded, and created several videos to guide you through how to work with these shamanic and indigenous teachings in your very real, everyday spiritual entrepreneurial life.
The School of Expansion
Is for brave, driven female entrepreneurs who are done playing small and want to see their biggest income months ever, ignite their feminine magnetism, and want to connect with ancient and shamanic practices to create huge shifts in their lives from a place of ease.
The Beta Cohort Starts: April 29, 2024, limited spaces available.
Apply Here
I spent the last 5 years traveling the world...
learning from shamans, priestesses, and mystics. I didn't know it at the time but I was searching for answers and solutions to why I was suffering:
why couldn't I hit the 15k months consistently?
why was I so burnt out?
why was I in so much pain?
why wasn't I able to be intimate with my partner or even want to have sex?
why was I anxious all the time??
I dedicated years to learning from these teachers, traveling to 28 countries, and investing over $60k in healing and training sessions. I then took this knowledge and transmuted it into wisdom.
I learned from these teachers of ancient wisdom and new-age science. I implemented them into my life - I embodied it.
Fast forward to today, I now live a beautiful life full of financial abundance - making way more money than that old glass ceiling with ease. I have time & geographic freedom - traveling wherever and whenever I want. Plus intimate, sensual sex with my partner while living in my limber, healthy body.
I bring this knowledge here to you, to help bridge this gap between ancient wisdom and new-age science.
So you can step into your power in a greater way. To Heal, Embody, & Expand.
Becoming the most spectacular, unmuted version of yourself.